Archive Mode. Call Achieving Artists Mayor Marie Lopez Rogers Scholarship Art Contest ended on 4/15/22, 6:20 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

Wahine Ikaika Mikai ("beautiful strong women" in hawaiian)

Wahine Ikaika Mikai ("beautiful strong women" in hawaiian), 2 Dimensional
Wahine Ikaika Mikai ("beautiful strong women" in hawaiian)
Female woman, hidden and dressed in tribal designs. An art piece that was for fun but is also meant to symbolize my Hawaiian side, and the beauty of cultural differences. At the time of the piece, I had learned the words, meaning, and history behind the haka. A warrior chant performed by many islanders, and Hawaiians. I loved how much power and strength came from the chant. I really ignited the fighter spirit. I decided to embrace some of that culture in my art.

2 Dimensional (Drawing)